The term Gynaecomastia originates from a Greek word which means female breasts. The primary cause of Gynaecomastia, the over grown breasts in males is either due to an increase in the estrogen or a deficiency in the androgen level.
Gynaecomastia occurs in various stages of life varying from neonatal to adolescence to old age. The cause of each kind is different; in neonatal it is due to the placental estrogen on the breast tissue. In adolescence it is due to imbalanced testosterone and in old age it is due to the fall in the level of testes which causes a rise in estrogen.
Pathological changes:
The diagnosis is usually categorized according to the deposition found which is either glandular or fatty tissues.
Clinical features:
Gynaecomastia may appear in either one or both sides; which may feel like a nodule with/out pain. The following chart explains the types and symptoms:
Causes :
With the evolution of modern researches the cause of gynaecomastia has been concluded as either the excess of estrogens or the failure/disease in another organ. A disorder in the testes will also cause a lack of testosterone; this can either inherited as well as developed.
The treatment for this disorder can be done with the intake of drugs or by surgery, if persisted over the period. The reason for the treatment can be cosmetic as well as a medical requirement.
A timely check up with medical expert consultation should help solve any doubt and proactive measures can be taken to avoid any serious disorder.
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