środa, 11 grudnia 2013

What is Savant syndrome?

Savants syndrome is a composition of extreme autism disorder and profound capabilities or abilities beyond Normal. The cause of the syndrome is neurodevelopment disorder, autism disorder or brain injuries.


Savant syndrome patients have an extraordinary storage of memory and are right brain dominant. The major areas in which Savant Skills are found are art, music , calculations and mathematics. Skills may be found individually or a combination of many, they may appear as suddenly as they can disappear.Hence they are categorized as the following:

  • Splinter Savant : Skills that are usually opposite to their overall level of functioning.
  • Talented Savants: A complete contrast of the patient’ ability and disability.
  • Prodogious Savant: This is one step ahead of Talented Savant where the patient’s skills show an extreme contrast in the ability and disability but also outperforms the skills possessed by a healthy mind.

Mechanics of the Savant Syndrome 

This combination of talent and disorder has been poorly understood. Most researches claim that a damage in the left hemisphere of the brain causes a compensatory damage in the right hemisphere of the brain.

Some spectacular qualities include :

  • Memorization: Limitless  information can be memorized
  • Lightening Calculations: Swift and accurate ability to calculate
  • Calendar or Date Calculations:Accurate calculation of date, day in any given year or time.
  • Musical Ability:Using their tremendous memory they can re-play a track after hearing it once.
  • Artistic Ability: Expression of exceptional skills in sculpting, drawing or painting.
  • Language Ability: The ability to read, write and translate 15-20 languages.

According to estimates it is believed that one in ten people with autism have savant skills in varying degree. Its occurance is found in male six times more than in female.

The Savant Syndrome is a rare condition which can allow the patients to go in extremely opposite directions. The early identification of the strengths and weakness should be channeled in the right direction to allow a fulfilling life. Some parents may be misguided as the weaknesses tend to overshadow the strength. The remedy for this condition is to improve communication and encourage the patient to learn.

niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

What is vaginal yeast infection?

Yeast Infection is merely the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus, which is harmlessly present in different parts of our body. The vagina yeast infection is a common situation faced by women at least twice during a sexually active life.

Causes of the infection: 

  • Antibiotics taken for other infections can lead to the imbalance between the protective germs and the candida fungus. 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Obesity 
  • Diabetes 

Manifestation of vaginal yeast infection: 

The common symptoms of a uncomplicated infection are itching, discomfort , pain during urination or sexual intercourse and excessive vaginal discharge. The level of pain may vary from moderate to mild. however in a complicated case the infection repeatedly occurs with symptoms like vulvar redness, swelling, ulceration may occur.  

Possible Complications: 

  • Chronic/ Recurrent Infections: 
A recurrent infection may occur because of an incomplete treatment or an underlying dieases such as diabetes. 
  • Secondary Infections: 
The rigourous itching may cause the infection.


Diagnosis is made based on a pelvic examination which will show the redness of the skin/vagina/cervix. Following that a microscopic examination is made on the vaginal discharge,called the wet mount and KOH test. 


To treat an uncomplicated case, the simple application of the antifungal cream or suppository for 3 to 7 days will help reduce the symptoms. In the case of a complicated vaginal candidiasis, a 7-14 days course of a suppository is recommended. In case this also fails then a longer course of 6 months is recommended. The failure of any kind of treatment may indicate a serious complication such as HIV. 

Precautionary Measures: 

The easiest measure is to keep yourself clean by washing and rinsing with warm water. Avoid the use of soaps, perfumes, deodorants, powders and gels due to its sensitivity towards chemicals. Avoid douching. Wear cotton-made garments to allow the ventilation of air and reduce the level of irritation.Avoid wearing wet or sweaty garments for long. Keep your blood sugar level low. 

It should be a relief to learn that vaginal yeast infection is a common infection and an easily eradicable one. However a medical consult should be consulted to take precautionary measures to prevent its progression to a complicate case. 

sobota, 16 listopada 2013

What are the effects of obesity in children?


Obesity in children is an epidemic which is widely spreading around the globe. It has negatively impacted lives in both developed and developing economies alike. It is undoubtedly a challenging socio-economic problem which is multiplying readily.  Scientifically obesity has been defined as the Body mass index (BMI) to be greater than the 95th percentile. Let’s figure out what are the effects of obesity in children: 

  • The economic boom : 
In developed countries such as US the economic boom forces both parents to be engaged in some form of employment to either make both ends meet or to professionally utilize themselves. This professional fast-track life automatically makes the children dependent on fast foods and ready to eat meals, which are dangerously unhealthy and low in nutrients. Furthermore, the high intake of fast foods and sweet beverages is attributed to the high purchasing power of the both parents income.  
  • Less physical exercises: 

The academic curriculum is designed as such that discourages physical activities and encourages book memorization. Due to its low importance of exercise  children now prefer to play games online instead of on the grounds.     

Effects of obesity in children

Where obesity is mistakenly taken as a sign of good health it must be understood that it can lead to fatal morbid conditions. Some of them are diabetes mellitus, fatty liver disease, obstructive sleep apnoea and ischemic heart disease.Below is a brief description of each:

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus: 
Diabetes is probably the highest growing case that reduces the life expectancy and quality of life. It disables the intake of any substance as metabolism is readily disturbed and makes it difficult to treat. The intake of insulin has an anabolic effect which further causes weight gain. Similarly other solutions such retinopathy are concluded as complications as it ultimately reduces vision and damages other organs such as the kidney and liver. 
  • Fatty liver disease: 
The accumulation of fats indicates the development of Hepatitis which later transforms into Cirrhosis and paralyses the liver from performing its function. This may require a transplant at the later stage. 
  • Obstructive Sleep apnea: 
An obstruction occurs in the airway for 20-40 seconds which make breathing very difficult and can cause ischemic heart disease in certain cases.  
  • Behavioral changes: 
There are critical psychological changes and challenges beneath the obvious physical changes that take place. Researches have proven that over-weight children are always bullied and considered to be lazy and dull. Due to this taboo, most victims are unable to complete their education or even attempt to commit suicide if made felt worse. 
It is also important to understand that obesity may be genetic. However, it is a public health problem which will eventually cripple the health, education, social or even economic stability of any county. It is important to force children to maintain a controlled diet and weight during their childhood and well as during adolescence.

wtorek, 12 listopada 2013

Gynaecomastia – why breasts enlarge in males?

The term Gynaecomastia originates from a Greek word which means female breasts. The primary cause of Gynaecomastia, the over grown breasts in males is either due to an increase in the estrogen or a deficiency in the androgen level.

Gynaecomastia occurs in various stages of life varying from neonatal to adolescence to old age. The cause of each kind is different; in neonatal it is due to the placental estrogen on the breast tissue. In adolescence it is due to imbalanced testosterone and in old age it is due to the fall in the level of testes which causes a rise in estrogen. 

Pathological changes: 

The diagnosis is usually categorized according to the deposition found which is either glandular or fatty tissues. 

Clinical features:  

Gynaecomastia may appear in either one or both sides; which may feel like a nodule with/out pain. The following chart explains the types and symptoms: 

Causes : 

With the evolution of modern researches the cause of gynaecomastia has been concluded as either the excess of estrogens or the failure/disease in another organ. A disorder in the testes will also cause a lack of testosterone; this can either inherited as well as developed. 


The treatment for this disorder can be done with the intake of drugs or by surgery, if persisted over the period. The reason for the treatment can be cosmetic as well as a medical requirement. 

A timely check up with medical expert consultation should help solve any doubt and proactive measures can be taken to avoid any serious disorder. 

wtorek, 23 lipca 2013

Meningitis shots – how effective are they?

Meninges is a membrane that surfaces on the central nervous system, brain and the spinal cord. The natural response to heal from infections caused by diarrhea, virus, bacteria , parasites and fungi is called meningitis. Meningitis is curable by taking shots  but the effectiveness is yet to be determined. Lets read upon the effectiveness discovered so far .. 


Features of Meningitis

The most popular form of the disease in Viral Meningitis which is automatically and fully cured without therapy. 

Bacterial meningitis is a the attack of more than one bacteria that occur in the blood circulation. This can be caused by an ear infection or even in the upper respiratory track. 

Symptoms of meningococcal disease

The Meningococcal infection is the deadliest form of the disease which begins with a fever, chills and rash , headaches, neck stiffness and grows into seizures. The later stage of the disease is coma and ultimately death. The recovery stage is as painful as being paralyzed or dysfunctioning of the brain. 

Prevention of meningococcal infection:

Types of meningitis vaccines

There are two major types of meningitis shots:
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4)
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4)


Safety and efficacy of meningitis shots 

  • The MPSV4 vaccine is given as an injection into the muscles of the arm. Both meningococcal vaccines are very safe. After effects may be a mild fever. 
  • The MPSV4 has proven to be 85-100 % effective against infection from meningococcus subtypes (A, C, Y and W-135) except serogroup B meningococcus. The effectiveness of both vaccines have proven to be equally effective but MCP4 guarantees a longer immunity.  

Although the disease can cause the life of the patient but over dosage is highly forbidden and shots are suggested to be taken after the age of 12.

High fructose corn syrup and obesity – is there a relationship?

Scientific research proves the existence of a strong correlation between obesity and high sugar intake. The credit of high sugar intake owes to the significant increase in the consumption of sugar items in the form of beverages and juices, fats and caloric rich food such as fast foods. Let’s dig deeper into the relationship between High Fructose Corn Syrup and obesity. 

High fructose corn syrup(HFCS) 

The HFSC is a major ingredient used mostly by manufacturers of carbonated beverages, baked foods, jams and dairy product as a substitute for sucrose(sugar) because of its stronger sweetening characteristic. This HFSC metabolizes in the liver with the production of fats and is apparent in the form of weight gain and obesity. The daily calorie consumption in foods containing HFCS has been found to be in the range of 100 to 300 kcal. 
Metabolic effects of fructose

Fats deposits are clearly as result of indigested fats and each kind of fat maybe associated with a different kind of disease. It has been proposed, based on one single study, that fructose associated with excess energy intake would preferentially increase visceral fat.
 High fructose corn syrup and obesity

The correlation between the HFCS and obesity has been proven by experimenting two groups – one consumed HFCS containing beverages and the other consumed diet beverages. A significant contrast was concluded between the weight gained by the two groups. 

Is heart rate the same as pulse?


Heart rate and pulse rate are the immediate indicators of a patient’s health status. In order to figure out the similarity or difference between heart rate and pulse we will first look into how the cardiovascular system works. 

Cardiac cycle

The heart is a muscle that supplies blood and oxygen to the entire body. This fist size organ allows the flow of blood to and from the organs of the body by contracting and relaxing in a cyclical rhythm. This sequential rhythm produces heart beats. The normal frequency of heart beat is 60-100 per minutes. This obviously varies due to factors like age, fitness level, exercise etc. 

Pulse rate

Pulse rate is usually detected by palpating the pulse around the radial wrist and the neck. This pulse rate is a reflection of the heart condition because the pulse’ characteristics such as rate, volume, rhythm defines the condition of the heart. Hence both are the same.  The pulse rate can be detected at numerous points such as wrist, elbow, ankle, foot, knee or jaw. 

Abnormal rate

When the sequence of heart beat follows an irregular pattern, as in the case of cardiac arrhythmias,  the pulse rate become irregular in volume and rhythm. In very abnormal cases a difference is seen between the heart rate and the pulse rate which is assessed through the ECG tests. 


A heart beat faster than the normal 60-100 per minute is termed as tachycardia. The reason for this accelerated heart beat may be exercise, stress, pregnancy or infection of diseases such as amemia, sepsis, shock  and many more. 


However a heart beat slower than normal is called bradycardia. In case of  bradycardia the heart rate is less than normal. This may depend on age – children have a higher rate than adults and other physiological factors. Also athletes have a lower range of normal heart rate. Pathological bradycardia is seen in hypothyroidism, late stage of shock, heart block and syncope.

Migraine associated vertigo – is migraine without pain possible?


Vertigo is indistinctly recognized as dizziness which is followed by episodes of headaches, vomiting, nausea and migraine. The biggest symptom of vertigo is motion sickness which means constant spinning of the head while everything is stationery.

How vertigo occurs

Facts about Vertigo:
Migraine is more common in women.
It is associated with about 30% cases with migraine
About 80% of the cases show signs of heredity

Diagnosis of migraine associated vertigo

Vertigo occurs with a disturbance in the vestibular system caused by a release of fluid/chemicals mostly in the inner ear. The vestibular system controls the balance of the body.
The diagnosis of vertigo is initiated with the patient’s history of dizziness followed by a number of specialized tests of the vertibular system.


Vertigo associated with migraine is treated by devising a plan of action on one of the following grounds:

  • A change in the lifestyle : 
Food items such as cheese, processed meat, nuts, tea or coffee can act as a stimulus. Oral contraceptive may also act as a trigger agent. Strict avoidance of these items should be followed. Exercising and relaxing the body is the second easiest therapy which includes yoga, meditation as well as having a complete sleep.   
  • Postural balance exercises : 
A cyclical exercise is devised to desensitize the vestibular system which causes Vertigo with the slightest visual movement such as moving up and down the escalator.  
  • Medications : 
Certain drugs can be taken to reduce the effect of the migraine such as propranolol, calcium channel blockers and antidepressants like amitriptyline, ibuprofen, isometheptene mucate  and triptans. 

Migraine associated vertigo is a widespread condition which requires a careful diagnosis by an audiologist, neurophysician or an ENT specialist. A strict adherence to the abovementioned therapy plan can easily resolve the problem.

środa, 3 lipca 2013

What are the risk factors of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related death after breast cancer in young women between 20 to 40 years.  The death rate due to this disease has declined with the development of scientific technology. 

As apparent from the name, cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control in the lower part of the uterus that leads to the vagina. An early diagnosis can clearly prevent it from spreading. 

Causes cervical cancer

Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV usually transmitted during intercourse. HPV can remain in the body for a long time until it turns into a cancer at a later stage; which can be diagnosed through Pap tests. 
What are the symptoms?


The symptoms of cervical cancer may include:

Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal, or a change in your menstrual cycle.
Bleeding when something comes in contact with your cervix
Pain during sex.
Vaginal discharge that is tinged with blood.

Diagnosis :  

During a Pap test, a sample of cells from the surface of the cervix is taken to examine the cell changes. If a Pap test shows abnormal cell changes more tests will be taken to look for precancerous or cancer cells on your cervix.


The treatment for most stages of cervical cancer includes:
  • Surgery, such as a hysterectomy and removal of pelvic lymph nodes with or without removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Radiation therapy.
A fatal as it sounds yet cervical cancer can be prevented by following ‘safe sex’ practices.

Diabetes and driving


Diabetes is an imbalanced sugar level that can either increase due to the deficiency of insulin hormone or decrease due to reduced intake of food or overdose of insulin. Both extreme levels can either cause the damage of an organ or cost the life of the patient.  The sugar level fluctuates readily.  Driving is a careful exercise that requires smooth coordination between the eyes, ears, the brain and the limbs. A low sugar level can obstruct the vision and can cause fatal road accidents. 

Diabetes and driving – factors increasing the risk

Let’s take a look at how dangerous the diabetic condition of the driver can result in:

  • Hypoglycemia : This condition is a result of low glucose level characterized by shakiness, dizziness, sweating, hunger, moodiness, jerky movements, seizure or difficulty in paying attention. 
  • Eye Disease: Diabetes can increase the chances of developing eye diseases such as retinopathy, cataract and corneal opacities. These conditions are associated blurry vision and incorrect judgment of movements. 
  • Peripheral neuropathy : This condition impairs the nerves and can cause one of the following symptoms: numbness of limbs, extreme sensitivity to touch, lack of coordinationmuscle weakness or paralysis.
  • Peripheral vascular disease: The narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the lower limbs of the body can drastically inhibit limb movement. Symptoms include impotence, pain and non-healing of sores. 
  • Lower limb amputation: This condition can be caused due to vehicle accidents, poor circulation of blood , diabetes or cancer. 

Diabetic driver must be cautious of the fatal circumstances that may occur during long driving routes and plan their accordingly. Frequent breaks and check up during the journey is advised as immediate measures can be taken such as improving the low glucose level with the intake of juices of sweet stuffs. 

środa, 12 czerwca 2013

Retroverted uterus and pregnancy – can it cause difficulties in getting pregnant?

A retroverted uterus, also termed as tipped uterus, is the backward tilted position of the uterus in line with the vagina itself. Idealistically a uterus tends to lie forward above the bladder. This unusual positioning occurs in 15-20 % of the women and is unlikey to cause health complications with exceptions to occasional painful symptoms or signaling of an underlying health disorder. The severity of this condition depends upon the following types: 
  • mobile retroverted uterus: A safe condition which normalizes as pregnancy advances 
  • fixed retroverted position: An extremely uncomfortable condition caused by the formation of adhesion, not corrected on its own. 

Effect of retroverted uterus on pregnancy

  • Infertility and Abortion 
This rare position of the uterus can cause vaginal bleeding and abortion within 10-14 weeks of pregnancy. Clinical research proves that a strong correlation exist between an extroverted uterus and abortion. 
  • Retention of urine 
The growth of the uterus becomes a problem for the passing of the urine as it completely blocks the pelvis during 10-12 weeks of gestation.  
  • Sacculation of uterus
As pregnancy matures the uterus inflates like a large sac due to the strectching of the walls. This ballooned sac fears a rupture or burst which can probably cause the fetal/maternal death.   


The initial 14 weeks of pregnancy are of paramount importance for the diagnosis and correction of the retroverted uterus.Follow the following simple tips : 
  • Sleep in prone position
  • Urinate frequently  
  • Avoid an intercourse

As casual as it sounds there is no reason to be careless during pregnancy and huge fatal consequences can be avoided by careful checkup and following simple tips, specially during the first trimester. Wishing you a safe pregnancy!! 

piątek, 7 czerwca 2013

Vitamin E deficiency diseases - do you know them?

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that encompasses a group of eight compounds, called tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. 

Dietary source

Good food sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, avocados, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts, and whole grains.

Vitamin E teams up with various vitamins to perform the following functions: 

  • Antiodixation: Oxygen, the ultimate requirement for our survival, is also capable of damaging our cells if a certain balance is not maintained. Vitamin E prevents the oxidative stressing of the cells i.e. leveling the balance.
  • It penetrates into the skin cell membranes and protects it against strong Ultra Violet(UV) rays.     
  • It structurally and functionally maintains the skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle.
  • Assists in the formation of red blood cells and helps to maintain stores of vitamins A and K, iron, and selenium. 
  • Strengthens the immune health, protects against the oxidative damage that can lead to heart disease, prevents cancer. Studies have proven that Vitamin E protects against oral, pharyngeal, and cervical cancer.
  • Helps relieve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, and may help prevent some diabetes-related damage, particularly to the eyes.

Vitamin E deficiency diseases

A deficiency of Vitamin E can lead to fat malabsorption syndromes like abetalipoproteinemia, cystic fibrosis, and cholestatic liver disease. Let’s glance through the cause and symptoms of each: 

  • Abetalipoproteinemia: 
Due to the inability of the system to fully absorb dietry fats, cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins the patient will witness signs like failure to gain weight and grow, formation of abnormally-shaped red blood cells and abnormalities.  
  • Cystic fibrosis :
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition in which the lungs and digestive system become clogged with thick sticky mucus. Symptoms include persistent cough, recurring chest and lung infections, poor weight gain
  • Cholestatic liver disease: 
Cholestasis is any condition in which substances normally excreted into bile are retained. 

Deficiency of Vitamin E is a rare condition and it is diagnosed at a very early stage, apparent from the physical body structure. Most people would increase its  intake to loosen up blocked arteries or blood vessels. Be sure to keep your Vitamin E level Good ! 

czwartek, 30 maja 2013

Are viruses different from bacteria ?


Bacteria and virus are commonly assumed as one. Lets explore the difference... 


Starting with the most obvious difference i.e. the structure, bacteria has a cell nucleus, vacuoles, Golgi apparatus, Endoplasmic reticula, or other organelles inside the cells. Bacteria consist of ribosomes, nucleoid (Strand of DNA), a cell wall, cytoplasm, and flagella. A virus has no internal cellular structure, no cell wall, or cell membrane. Viruses consist only of a protein coat that holds a coiled string of nucleic acid.

Reproduction : 

Bacteria are single-celled organisms and reproduce asexually, just like other cells. 
Viruses, being acellular, need a host cell to reproduce in. On reaching the maturity level it exits the cells and continues to find host cells to continue regeneration.  

The following lists some more difference between bacteria and virus

  • Bacterium is useful and normally is present in our body. Viruses are not.  
  • Bacteria reproduce asexually while viruses require a host cell to reproduce and grow in.
  • Antibiotics are used for treatment of bacterial infections whereas anti-viral drugs are used for viral infections.
  • Viruses can cause deadly cancer such as HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), EBV (Epstein barr virus). The bacteria do not cause cancer.

The study of both the pathogenic organisms has evolved till date. With the aid of technology in-depth research and studies are undertaken to enhance the anti-biotic and anti-viral. 

poniedziałek, 20 maja 2013

Is kidney disease hereditary?

Kidney related disease can be genetic or acquired. An inherited kidney disease may cause the kidney to be deformed, functionally impaired, incompletely developed or damaged.


Cyst, a cyst is a sac closed by a distinct membrane and filled with air, fluids, or semi-solid material. Cysts may develop in one or both the kidneys and continues to grow; consequently it may cause pain and profuse bleeding. Lets explore the how kidney disease hereditary works in us:
  • Cystic kidney disease:

In such circumstances the continuous inflation of cyst impacts the structure of the kidney and the adjacent organs.
  • Polycystic kidney disease:

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder of the kidneys further divided into two types :
    • Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease:
Identified mostly in infants and young children. It’s direct harm is made on the kidneys but can potentially affect the liver, pancreas, brain, and arterial blood vessels. To combat the situation may require dialysis or kidney transplantation.
    • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease:
Most often diagnosed in adulthood. The cause for this disease is genetic mutation that disrupts normal development of the kidneys. Some symptoms include abdominal pain, high blood pressure and blood in the urine. The symptoms can range from mild to severe.
  • Medullary cystic kidney disease:

A condition more common in old patients , characterized by scarring of the kidney and formation of cysts. Since the kidneys do not concentrate the urine enough excessively high urine production and the loss of sodium is witnessed. However this is limited to the kidneys.
  • Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease:

A rare genetic childhood condition. The symptoms vary from moderate to life-threatening such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, liver disease and underdeveloped lungs.
  • Medullary sponge kidney:

The dilation of collecting tubules in the kidney causes Medullary sponge kidney ; a congential disorder. The chances of developing kidney stones and urinary tract infection is higher among this kind of patients.
  • Alport syndrome:

This also a hereditary condition featured by kidney disease, hearing loss, and eye impairments. Most affected patients witness blood or high protein in their urine. This disease can further lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

sobota, 18 maja 2013

Chronic diarrhea – what can cause it

The repetition of loose and primarily watery stools is the most prominent indicator of Diarrhea.The following explains the kinds and causes of chronic diarrhea:

Inflammatory diarrhea

Infections such as Bacterial , viral ,  parasitic or autoimmune problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases, tuberculosis, colon cancer, and enteritis all can cause inflammatory Diarrhea. The characteristics are heavy loss of protein-rich fluids and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids

Secretory diarrhea 

When the digestive systems fails to absorb the secreted water and fluid before it enters the small and large intestine then an abnormal loss of water is discharged through bowels. This is called Secretory diarrhea . The diarrhea is watery, excessive, painless and persistent. Common causes are drugs or toxins; both arsenic poisoning and chronic alcohol maybe the root cause.

Osmotic diarrhea 

Osmotic diarrhea commonly results when something ingested draws water into the intestines. Maldigestion of nutrients, sugar malabsorption, osmotic laxatives or even side-effects of medicines can be the basis.

Fatty diarrhea

The malabsorption of fats is termed as Fatty Diarrhea, affiliated with weight loss. This diarrhea can be a direct result of alcohol consumption.   

Mortality related diarrhea 

Our consumed food needs time for the nutrients and water to be absorbed and in mortitly related diarrhea sufficient time is not given as the food moves too fast. 
  • A rare cause is the indication of more serious diseases (such as cystic fibrosis or immune disorders such as HIV infection).
  • Idiopathic diarrhea is a when the cause is unknown. 
As you see there are many possible causes of chronic diarrhea. Remember that any diarrhea lasting for more than four weeks is a matter of concern.

piątek, 17 maja 2013

Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption has a wide range of adverse effects, with exception to a few health benefits, both in the short and long run.The high permeability of the cell membrane to alcohol allows it to quickly diffuse into every tissue of the body. The following explains the effects of alcohol on our organs :

  • Central Nervous System

As a depressant alcohol slows down the activity of the brain and reduces anxiety, tension, and inhibitions. The system also reacts by releasing pleasure–giving hormones that causes agitation, slurred speech, memory loss and in-coordination of movements.

  • Heart and blood vessels

Although alcohol may offer to reduce the risk of heart disease but excessive consumption causes the heart to expand and restricts its ability to contract. It may also disrupt the normal rhythm of heart beat and raise the blood pressure which can cause chest pain, heart attack and stroke. 

  • Risk of Cancer

Types of cancers known to be linked to alcohol are cancers of the mouth and pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and female breast.

  • Liver 

As the liver tries to breakdown the consumed alcohol a chemical reaction takes place and toxins from the gut bladder are allowed into the liver. Both the chemicals and toxins can lead to inflammation, scarring and ultimately to cirrhosis. In the long run, the esophagus that circulates the blood which is diverged away from the liver may also burst after continued dilation. 

  • Pancreas

A severe case of deficiency of nutrients is resulted when the chronic dosages of alcohol destructs those cells that produce digestive enzymes and insulin hormones.

  • Anemia

Anemia results when alcohol blocks the generation of new red and white blood cells. A high blood traffic diverged through the spleen may also destruct the cells by breaking it down or by bursting.

Despite being the most popular recreational substance, one must fully understand the myriad damages alcohol can make and restrict himself to the exact quantity if prescribed by any doctor.  

środa, 15 maja 2013

Hello :)

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm a medicine student passionate about how human body works. The aim of this site is to give simple answers to everyday life medical questions. 
I hope that you'll find here many interesting and useful information. If there is anything about medicine or health that you'd like to know - just let me know! 
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