wtorek, 23 lipca 2013

Meningitis shots – how effective are they?

Meninges is a membrane that surfaces on the central nervous system, brain and the spinal cord. The natural response to heal from infections caused by diarrhea, virus, bacteria , parasites and fungi is called meningitis. Meningitis is curable by taking shots  but the effectiveness is yet to be determined. Lets read upon the effectiveness discovered so far .. 


Features of Meningitis

The most popular form of the disease in Viral Meningitis which is automatically and fully cured without therapy. 

Bacterial meningitis is a the attack of more than one bacteria that occur in the blood circulation. This can be caused by an ear infection or even in the upper respiratory track. 

Symptoms of meningococcal disease

The Meningococcal infection is the deadliest form of the disease which begins with a fever, chills and rash , headaches, neck stiffness and grows into seizures. The later stage of the disease is coma and ultimately death. The recovery stage is as painful as being paralyzed or dysfunctioning of the brain. 

Prevention of meningococcal infection:

Types of meningitis vaccines

There are two major types of meningitis shots:
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4)
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4)


Safety and efficacy of meningitis shots 

  • The MPSV4 vaccine is given as an injection into the muscles of the arm. Both meningococcal vaccines are very safe. After effects may be a mild fever. 
  • The MPSV4 has proven to be 85-100 % effective against infection from meningococcus subtypes (A, C, Y and W-135) except serogroup B meningococcus. The effectiveness of both vaccines have proven to be equally effective but MCP4 guarantees a longer immunity.  

Although the disease can cause the life of the patient but over dosage is highly forbidden and shots are suggested to be taken after the age of 12.

High fructose corn syrup and obesity – is there a relationship?

Scientific research proves the existence of a strong correlation between obesity and high sugar intake. The credit of high sugar intake owes to the significant increase in the consumption of sugar items in the form of beverages and juices, fats and caloric rich food such as fast foods. Let’s dig deeper into the relationship between High Fructose Corn Syrup and obesity. 

High fructose corn syrup(HFCS) 

The HFSC is a major ingredient used mostly by manufacturers of carbonated beverages, baked foods, jams and dairy product as a substitute for sucrose(sugar) because of its stronger sweetening characteristic. This HFSC metabolizes in the liver with the production of fats and is apparent in the form of weight gain and obesity. The daily calorie consumption in foods containing HFCS has been found to be in the range of 100 to 300 kcal. 
Metabolic effects of fructose

Fats deposits are clearly as result of indigested fats and each kind of fat maybe associated with a different kind of disease. It has been proposed, based on one single study, that fructose associated with excess energy intake would preferentially increase visceral fat.
 High fructose corn syrup and obesity

The correlation between the HFCS and obesity has been proven by experimenting two groups – one consumed HFCS containing beverages and the other consumed diet beverages. A significant contrast was concluded between the weight gained by the two groups. 

Is heart rate the same as pulse?


Heart rate and pulse rate are the immediate indicators of a patient’s health status. In order to figure out the similarity or difference between heart rate and pulse we will first look into how the cardiovascular system works. 

Cardiac cycle

The heart is a muscle that supplies blood and oxygen to the entire body. This fist size organ allows the flow of blood to and from the organs of the body by contracting and relaxing in a cyclical rhythm. This sequential rhythm produces heart beats. The normal frequency of heart beat is 60-100 per minutes. This obviously varies due to factors like age, fitness level, exercise etc. 

Pulse rate

Pulse rate is usually detected by palpating the pulse around the radial wrist and the neck. This pulse rate is a reflection of the heart condition because the pulse’ characteristics such as rate, volume, rhythm defines the condition of the heart. Hence both are the same.  The pulse rate can be detected at numerous points such as wrist, elbow, ankle, foot, knee or jaw. 

Abnormal rate

When the sequence of heart beat follows an irregular pattern, as in the case of cardiac arrhythmias,  the pulse rate become irregular in volume and rhythm. In very abnormal cases a difference is seen between the heart rate and the pulse rate which is assessed through the ECG tests. 


A heart beat faster than the normal 60-100 per minute is termed as tachycardia. The reason for this accelerated heart beat may be exercise, stress, pregnancy or infection of diseases such as amemia, sepsis, shock  and many more. 


However a heart beat slower than normal is called bradycardia. In case of  bradycardia the heart rate is less than normal. This may depend on age – children have a higher rate than adults and other physiological factors. Also athletes have a lower range of normal heart rate. Pathological bradycardia is seen in hypothyroidism, late stage of shock, heart block and syncope.

Migraine associated vertigo – is migraine without pain possible?


Vertigo is indistinctly recognized as dizziness which is followed by episodes of headaches, vomiting, nausea and migraine. The biggest symptom of vertigo is motion sickness which means constant spinning of the head while everything is stationery.

How vertigo occurs

Facts about Vertigo:
Migraine is more common in women.
It is associated with about 30% cases with migraine
About 80% of the cases show signs of heredity

Diagnosis of migraine associated vertigo

Vertigo occurs with a disturbance in the vestibular system caused by a release of fluid/chemicals mostly in the inner ear. The vestibular system controls the balance of the body.
The diagnosis of vertigo is initiated with the patient’s history of dizziness followed by a number of specialized tests of the vertibular system.


Vertigo associated with migraine is treated by devising a plan of action on one of the following grounds:

  • A change in the lifestyle : 
Food items such as cheese, processed meat, nuts, tea or coffee can act as a stimulus. Oral contraceptive may also act as a trigger agent. Strict avoidance of these items should be followed. Exercising and relaxing the body is the second easiest therapy which includes yoga, meditation as well as having a complete sleep.   
  • Postural balance exercises : 
A cyclical exercise is devised to desensitize the vestibular system which causes Vertigo with the slightest visual movement such as moving up and down the escalator.  
  • Medications : 
Certain drugs can be taken to reduce the effect of the migraine such as propranolol, calcium channel blockers and antidepressants like amitriptyline, ibuprofen, isometheptene mucate  and triptans. 

Migraine associated vertigo is a widespread condition which requires a careful diagnosis by an audiologist, neurophysician or an ENT specialist. A strict adherence to the abovementioned therapy plan can easily resolve the problem.

środa, 3 lipca 2013

What are the risk factors of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related death after breast cancer in young women between 20 to 40 years.  The death rate due to this disease has declined with the development of scientific technology. 

As apparent from the name, cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control in the lower part of the uterus that leads to the vagina. An early diagnosis can clearly prevent it from spreading. 

Causes cervical cancer

Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV usually transmitted during intercourse. HPV can remain in the body for a long time until it turns into a cancer at a later stage; which can be diagnosed through Pap tests. 
What are the symptoms?


The symptoms of cervical cancer may include:

Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal, or a change in your menstrual cycle.
Bleeding when something comes in contact with your cervix
Pain during sex.
Vaginal discharge that is tinged with blood.

Diagnosis :  

During a Pap test, a sample of cells from the surface of the cervix is taken to examine the cell changes. If a Pap test shows abnormal cell changes more tests will be taken to look for precancerous or cancer cells on your cervix.


The treatment for most stages of cervical cancer includes:
  • Surgery, such as a hysterectomy and removal of pelvic lymph nodes with or without removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Radiation therapy.
A fatal as it sounds yet cervical cancer can be prevented by following ‘safe sex’ practices.

Diabetes and driving


Diabetes is an imbalanced sugar level that can either increase due to the deficiency of insulin hormone or decrease due to reduced intake of food or overdose of insulin. Both extreme levels can either cause the damage of an organ or cost the life of the patient.  The sugar level fluctuates readily.  Driving is a careful exercise that requires smooth coordination between the eyes, ears, the brain and the limbs. A low sugar level can obstruct the vision and can cause fatal road accidents. 

Diabetes and driving – factors increasing the risk

Let’s take a look at how dangerous the diabetic condition of the driver can result in:

  • Hypoglycemia : This condition is a result of low glucose level characterized by shakiness, dizziness, sweating, hunger, moodiness, jerky movements, seizure or difficulty in paying attention. 
  • Eye Disease: Diabetes can increase the chances of developing eye diseases such as retinopathy, cataract and corneal opacities. These conditions are associated blurry vision and incorrect judgment of movements. 
  • Peripheral neuropathy : This condition impairs the nerves and can cause one of the following symptoms: numbness of limbs, extreme sensitivity to touch, lack of coordinationmuscle weakness or paralysis.
  • Peripheral vascular disease: The narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the lower limbs of the body can drastically inhibit limb movement. Symptoms include impotence, pain and non-healing of sores. 
  • Lower limb amputation: This condition can be caused due to vehicle accidents, poor circulation of blood , diabetes or cancer. 

Diabetic driver must be cautious of the fatal circumstances that may occur during long driving routes and plan their accordingly. Frequent breaks and check up during the journey is advised as immediate measures can be taken such as improving the low glucose level with the intake of juices of sweet stuffs.