środa, 12 czerwca 2013

Retroverted uterus and pregnancy – can it cause difficulties in getting pregnant?

A retroverted uterus, also termed as tipped uterus, is the backward tilted position of the uterus in line with the vagina itself. Idealistically a uterus tends to lie forward above the bladder. This unusual positioning occurs in 15-20 % of the women and is unlikey to cause health complications with exceptions to occasional painful symptoms or signaling of an underlying health disorder. The severity of this condition depends upon the following types: 
  • mobile retroverted uterus: A safe condition which normalizes as pregnancy advances 
  • fixed retroverted position: An extremely uncomfortable condition caused by the formation of adhesion, not corrected on its own. 

Effect of retroverted uterus on pregnancy

  • Infertility and Abortion 
This rare position of the uterus can cause vaginal bleeding and abortion within 10-14 weeks of pregnancy. Clinical research proves that a strong correlation exist between an extroverted uterus and abortion. 
  • Retention of urine 
The growth of the uterus becomes a problem for the passing of the urine as it completely blocks the pelvis during 10-12 weeks of gestation.  
  • Sacculation of uterus
As pregnancy matures the uterus inflates like a large sac due to the strectching of the walls. This ballooned sac fears a rupture or burst which can probably cause the fetal/maternal death.   


The initial 14 weeks of pregnancy are of paramount importance for the diagnosis and correction of the retroverted uterus.Follow the following simple tips : 
  • Sleep in prone position
  • Urinate frequently  
  • Avoid an intercourse

As casual as it sounds there is no reason to be careless during pregnancy and huge fatal consequences can be avoided by careful checkup and following simple tips, specially during the first trimester. Wishing you a safe pregnancy!! 

piątek, 7 czerwca 2013

Vitamin E deficiency diseases - do you know them?

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that encompasses a group of eight compounds, called tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. 

Dietary source

Good food sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, avocados, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts, and whole grains.

Vitamin E teams up with various vitamins to perform the following functions: 

  • Antiodixation: Oxygen, the ultimate requirement for our survival, is also capable of damaging our cells if a certain balance is not maintained. Vitamin E prevents the oxidative stressing of the cells i.e. leveling the balance.
  • It penetrates into the skin cell membranes and protects it against strong Ultra Violet(UV) rays.     
  • It structurally and functionally maintains the skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle.
  • Assists in the formation of red blood cells and helps to maintain stores of vitamins A and K, iron, and selenium. 
  • Strengthens the immune health, protects against the oxidative damage that can lead to heart disease, prevents cancer. Studies have proven that Vitamin E protects against oral, pharyngeal, and cervical cancer.
  • Helps relieve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, and may help prevent some diabetes-related damage, particularly to the eyes.

Vitamin E deficiency diseases

A deficiency of Vitamin E can lead to fat malabsorption syndromes like abetalipoproteinemia, cystic fibrosis, and cholestatic liver disease. Let’s glance through the cause and symptoms of each: 

  • Abetalipoproteinemia: 
Due to the inability of the system to fully absorb dietry fats, cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins the patient will witness signs like failure to gain weight and grow, formation of abnormally-shaped red blood cells and abnormalities.  
  • Cystic fibrosis :
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition in which the lungs and digestive system become clogged with thick sticky mucus. Symptoms include persistent cough, recurring chest and lung infections, poor weight gain
  • Cholestatic liver disease: 
Cholestasis is any condition in which substances normally excreted into bile are retained. 

Deficiency of Vitamin E is a rare condition and it is diagnosed at a very early stage, apparent from the physical body structure. Most people would increase its  intake to loosen up blocked arteries or blood vessels. Be sure to keep your Vitamin E level Good !