piątek, 18 lipca 2014

Helthy lifestyle

Trying to keep healthy lifestyle? 

Keeping healthy lifestyle is not so difficult. You just need to eat healthy food, dring a lot of water and do some sports.

What is your favorite sport? Just do it often and you'll see how your health will improve. Healthy lifestyle is just something that gives yoy health and pleasure!

poniedziałek, 26 maja 2014

Medical articles worth reading

On the right side of this blog you can see a list of medical articles and websites that I consider worth readling.
Knowing your health well is important to keep healthy lifestyle. Knowledge of what is good and healthy for is is the key to healthy and happy life!

środa, 8 stycznia 2014

What are the reasons for infertility in men?

Infertility in men is a rare case found among 10-15%. It maybe unknown to most people that a successful pregnancy attributes 40% to male and 20% to female. A successful pregnancy depends upon: 

  • The production of healthy sperms: The healthy production of sperms depends upon the healthy growth of the reproduction organs. 
  • The carrying of the sperms into the semen: After the production of the sperm it should be mixed with semen and ejaculated out of the penis. 
  • A low sperm Count: A low sperm count means less sperms in the semen. The fewer the number the lesser the chance of fertilizing the partner’s egg.  
  • Accurate shape: Sperms fail to penetrate the partner’s egg if the shape or the sperm is not correct. 
Some common causes include: 

  • Varicocele: The low sperm count is a result of the swelling of the veins in the testicles which prevent the mobility of the sperms.  
  • Infection: Any kind of infection can impede the growth or the mobility of the sperm. 
  • Ejaculation Errors: Prior health conditions can lead to retrograde ejaculation. 
  • Antibodies’ attack: Sperms can be accidently attacked by the immune system assuming it as a foreign invader. 
  • The Testicle’s development: When one or both of the testicles fail to descend from the abdomen into the sac called scrotum. 
  • Hormone Imbalance: Abnormality such as hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands can affect the hormonal system. 
  • Sperm Duct Defects: sperm ducts are the tubes that carry the sperm out of the testicles. 
  • Chromosome defects: The additional production of the X chromosome, inherited, can cause infertility. 
  • Problems with sexual intercourse: Insufficient erection, premature ejaculation, painful intercourse or even psychological relationships can affect the fertility. 
  • Celiac Disease: Allergy to gluten, celiac disease can be a prominent factor. 

Environmental causes: 
Lets take a look at the generic environmental causes: 

  • Illegal drugs and Alcohol: The use of drugs and alcohol reduces the production of sperms as well as the testosterone levels. Furthermore indirect damage to the liver and lungs can be root cause for the infertility. 
  • Occupational: Overexposure to chemicals, computers or any work related stress will lead to the infertility. 
  • Emotional Stress: Emotional stress will obstruct the production of the sperms. 
  • Weight: Obesity causes hormonal changes. 
  • Bicycling: The continuous cycling can cause numbness in the penis erectile dysfunction. 

Male infertility is a bigger challenge than female infertility because male ego is harder to overcome. However a careful examination and steady approach to this challenge can lead to 100% success. 

środa, 11 grudnia 2013

What is Savant syndrome?

Savants syndrome is a composition of extreme autism disorder and profound capabilities or abilities beyond Normal. The cause of the syndrome is neurodevelopment disorder, autism disorder or brain injuries.


Savant syndrome patients have an extraordinary storage of memory and are right brain dominant. The major areas in which Savant Skills are found are art, music , calculations and mathematics. Skills may be found individually or a combination of many, they may appear as suddenly as they can disappear.Hence they are categorized as the following:

  • Splinter Savant : Skills that are usually opposite to their overall level of functioning.
  • Talented Savants: A complete contrast of the patient’ ability and disability.
  • Prodogious Savant: This is one step ahead of Talented Savant where the patient’s skills show an extreme contrast in the ability and disability but also outperforms the skills possessed by a healthy mind.

Mechanics of the Savant Syndrome 

This combination of talent and disorder has been poorly understood. Most researches claim that a damage in the left hemisphere of the brain causes a compensatory damage in the right hemisphere of the brain.

Some spectacular qualities include :

  • Memorization: Limitless  information can be memorized
  • Lightening Calculations: Swift and accurate ability to calculate
  • Calendar or Date Calculations:Accurate calculation of date, day in any given year or time.
  • Musical Ability:Using their tremendous memory they can re-play a track after hearing it once.
  • Artistic Ability: Expression of exceptional skills in sculpting, drawing or painting.
  • Language Ability: The ability to read, write and translate 15-20 languages.

According to estimates it is believed that one in ten people with autism have savant skills in varying degree. Its occurance is found in male six times more than in female.

The Savant Syndrome is a rare condition which can allow the patients to go in extremely opposite directions. The early identification of the strengths and weakness should be channeled in the right direction to allow a fulfilling life. Some parents may be misguided as the weaknesses tend to overshadow the strength. The remedy for this condition is to improve communication and encourage the patient to learn.

niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

What is vaginal yeast infection?

Yeast Infection is merely the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus, which is harmlessly present in different parts of our body. The vagina yeast infection is a common situation faced by women at least twice during a sexually active life.

Causes of the infection: 

  • Antibiotics taken for other infections can lead to the imbalance between the protective germs and the candida fungus. 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Obesity 
  • Diabetes 

Manifestation of vaginal yeast infection: 

The common symptoms of a uncomplicated infection are itching, discomfort , pain during urination or sexual intercourse and excessive vaginal discharge. The level of pain may vary from moderate to mild. however in a complicated case the infection repeatedly occurs with symptoms like vulvar redness, swelling, ulceration may occur.  

Possible Complications: 

  • Chronic/ Recurrent Infections: 
A recurrent infection may occur because of an incomplete treatment or an underlying dieases such as diabetes. 
  • Secondary Infections: 
The rigourous itching may cause the infection.


Diagnosis is made based on a pelvic examination which will show the redness of the skin/vagina/cervix. Following that a microscopic examination is made on the vaginal discharge,called the wet mount and KOH test. 


To treat an uncomplicated case, the simple application of the antifungal cream or suppository for 3 to 7 days will help reduce the symptoms. In the case of a complicated vaginal candidiasis, a 7-14 days course of a suppository is recommended. In case this also fails then a longer course of 6 months is recommended. The failure of any kind of treatment may indicate a serious complication such as HIV. 

Precautionary Measures: 

The easiest measure is to keep yourself clean by washing and rinsing with warm water. Avoid the use of soaps, perfumes, deodorants, powders and gels due to its sensitivity towards chemicals. Avoid douching. Wear cotton-made garments to allow the ventilation of air and reduce the level of irritation.Avoid wearing wet or sweaty garments for long. Keep your blood sugar level low. 

It should be a relief to learn that vaginal yeast infection is a common infection and an easily eradicable one. However a medical consult should be consulted to take precautionary measures to prevent its progression to a complicate case. 

sobota, 16 listopada 2013

What are the effects of obesity in children?


Obesity in children is an epidemic which is widely spreading around the globe. It has negatively impacted lives in both developed and developing economies alike. It is undoubtedly a challenging socio-economic problem which is multiplying readily.  Scientifically obesity has been defined as the Body mass index (BMI) to be greater than the 95th percentile. Let’s figure out what are the effects of obesity in children: 

  • The economic boom : 
In developed countries such as US the economic boom forces both parents to be engaged in some form of employment to either make both ends meet or to professionally utilize themselves. This professional fast-track life automatically makes the children dependent on fast foods and ready to eat meals, which are dangerously unhealthy and low in nutrients. Furthermore, the high intake of fast foods and sweet beverages is attributed to the high purchasing power of the both parents income.  
  • Less physical exercises: 

The academic curriculum is designed as such that discourages physical activities and encourages book memorization. Due to its low importance of exercise  children now prefer to play games online instead of on the grounds.     

Effects of obesity in children

Where obesity is mistakenly taken as a sign of good health it must be understood that it can lead to fatal morbid conditions. Some of them are diabetes mellitus, fatty liver disease, obstructive sleep apnoea and ischemic heart disease.Below is a brief description of each:

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus: 
Diabetes is probably the highest growing case that reduces the life expectancy and quality of life. It disables the intake of any substance as metabolism is readily disturbed and makes it difficult to treat. The intake of insulin has an anabolic effect which further causes weight gain. Similarly other solutions such retinopathy are concluded as complications as it ultimately reduces vision and damages other organs such as the kidney and liver. 
  • Fatty liver disease: 
The accumulation of fats indicates the development of Hepatitis which later transforms into Cirrhosis and paralyses the liver from performing its function. This may require a transplant at the later stage. 
  • Obstructive Sleep apnea: 
An obstruction occurs in the airway for 20-40 seconds which make breathing very difficult and can cause ischemic heart disease in certain cases.  
  • Behavioral changes: 
There are critical psychological changes and challenges beneath the obvious physical changes that take place. Researches have proven that over-weight children are always bullied and considered to be lazy and dull. Due to this taboo, most victims are unable to complete their education or even attempt to commit suicide if made felt worse. 
It is also important to understand that obesity may be genetic. However, it is a public health problem which will eventually cripple the health, education, social or even economic stability of any county. It is important to force children to maintain a controlled diet and weight during their childhood and well as during adolescence.

wtorek, 12 listopada 2013

Gynaecomastia – why breasts enlarge in males?

The term Gynaecomastia originates from a Greek word which means female breasts. The primary cause of Gynaecomastia, the over grown breasts in males is either due to an increase in the estrogen or a deficiency in the androgen level.

Gynaecomastia occurs in various stages of life varying from neonatal to adolescence to old age. The cause of each kind is different; in neonatal it is due to the placental estrogen on the breast tissue. In adolescence it is due to imbalanced testosterone and in old age it is due to the fall in the level of testes which causes a rise in estrogen. 

Pathological changes: 

The diagnosis is usually categorized according to the deposition found which is either glandular or fatty tissues. 

Clinical features:  

Gynaecomastia may appear in either one or both sides; which may feel like a nodule with/out pain. The following chart explains the types and symptoms: 

Causes : 

With the evolution of modern researches the cause of gynaecomastia has been concluded as either the excess of estrogens or the failure/disease in another organ. A disorder in the testes will also cause a lack of testosterone; this can either inherited as well as developed. 


The treatment for this disorder can be done with the intake of drugs or by surgery, if persisted over the period. The reason for the treatment can be cosmetic as well as a medical requirement. 

A timely check up with medical expert consultation should help solve any doubt and proactive measures can be taken to avoid any serious disorder.