sobota, 18 maja 2013

Chronic diarrhea – what can cause it

The repetition of loose and primarily watery stools is the most prominent indicator of Diarrhea.The following explains the kinds and causes of chronic diarrhea:

Inflammatory diarrhea

Infections such as Bacterial , viral ,  parasitic or autoimmune problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases, tuberculosis, colon cancer, and enteritis all can cause inflammatory Diarrhea. The characteristics are heavy loss of protein-rich fluids and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids

Secretory diarrhea 

When the digestive systems fails to absorb the secreted water and fluid before it enters the small and large intestine then an abnormal loss of water is discharged through bowels. This is called Secretory diarrhea . The diarrhea is watery, excessive, painless and persistent. Common causes are drugs or toxins; both arsenic poisoning and chronic alcohol maybe the root cause.

Osmotic diarrhea 

Osmotic diarrhea commonly results when something ingested draws water into the intestines. Maldigestion of nutrients, sugar malabsorption, osmotic laxatives or even side-effects of medicines can be the basis.

Fatty diarrhea

The malabsorption of fats is termed as Fatty Diarrhea, affiliated with weight loss. This diarrhea can be a direct result of alcohol consumption.   

Mortality related diarrhea 

Our consumed food needs time for the nutrients and water to be absorbed and in mortitly related diarrhea sufficient time is not given as the food moves too fast. 
  • A rare cause is the indication of more serious diseases (such as cystic fibrosis or immune disorders such as HIV infection).
  • Idiopathic diarrhea is a when the cause is unknown. 
As you see there are many possible causes of chronic diarrhea. Remember that any diarrhea lasting for more than four weeks is a matter of concern.

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