czwartek, 30 maja 2013

Are viruses different from bacteria ?


Bacteria and virus are commonly assumed as one. Lets explore the difference... 


Starting with the most obvious difference i.e. the structure, bacteria has a cell nucleus, vacuoles, Golgi apparatus, Endoplasmic reticula, or other organelles inside the cells. Bacteria consist of ribosomes, nucleoid (Strand of DNA), a cell wall, cytoplasm, and flagella. A virus has no internal cellular structure, no cell wall, or cell membrane. Viruses consist only of a protein coat that holds a coiled string of nucleic acid.

Reproduction : 

Bacteria are single-celled organisms and reproduce asexually, just like other cells. 
Viruses, being acellular, need a host cell to reproduce in. On reaching the maturity level it exits the cells and continues to find host cells to continue regeneration.  

The following lists some more difference between bacteria and virus

  • Bacterium is useful and normally is present in our body. Viruses are not.  
  • Bacteria reproduce asexually while viruses require a host cell to reproduce and grow in.
  • Antibiotics are used for treatment of bacterial infections whereas anti-viral drugs are used for viral infections.
  • Viruses can cause deadly cancer such as HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), EBV (Epstein barr virus). The bacteria do not cause cancer.

The study of both the pathogenic organisms has evolved till date. With the aid of technology in-depth research and studies are undertaken to enhance the anti-biotic and anti-viral. 

poniedziałek, 20 maja 2013

Is kidney disease hereditary?

Kidney related disease can be genetic or acquired. An inherited kidney disease may cause the kidney to be deformed, functionally impaired, incompletely developed or damaged.


Cyst, a cyst is a sac closed by a distinct membrane and filled with air, fluids, or semi-solid material. Cysts may develop in one or both the kidneys and continues to grow; consequently it may cause pain and profuse bleeding. Lets explore the how kidney disease hereditary works in us:
  • Cystic kidney disease:

In such circumstances the continuous inflation of cyst impacts the structure of the kidney and the adjacent organs.
  • Polycystic kidney disease:

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder of the kidneys further divided into two types :
    • Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease:
Identified mostly in infants and young children. It’s direct harm is made on the kidneys but can potentially affect the liver, pancreas, brain, and arterial blood vessels. To combat the situation may require dialysis or kidney transplantation.
    • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease:
Most often diagnosed in adulthood. The cause for this disease is genetic mutation that disrupts normal development of the kidneys. Some symptoms include abdominal pain, high blood pressure and blood in the urine. The symptoms can range from mild to severe.
  • Medullary cystic kidney disease:

A condition more common in old patients , characterized by scarring of the kidney and formation of cysts. Since the kidneys do not concentrate the urine enough excessively high urine production and the loss of sodium is witnessed. However this is limited to the kidneys.
  • Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease:

A rare genetic childhood condition. The symptoms vary from moderate to life-threatening such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, liver disease and underdeveloped lungs.
  • Medullary sponge kidney:

The dilation of collecting tubules in the kidney causes Medullary sponge kidney ; a congential disorder. The chances of developing kidney stones and urinary tract infection is higher among this kind of patients.
  • Alport syndrome:

This also a hereditary condition featured by kidney disease, hearing loss, and eye impairments. Most affected patients witness blood or high protein in their urine. This disease can further lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

sobota, 18 maja 2013

Chronic diarrhea – what can cause it

The repetition of loose and primarily watery stools is the most prominent indicator of Diarrhea.The following explains the kinds and causes of chronic diarrhea:

Inflammatory diarrhea

Infections such as Bacterial , viral ,  parasitic or autoimmune problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases, tuberculosis, colon cancer, and enteritis all can cause inflammatory Diarrhea. The characteristics are heavy loss of protein-rich fluids and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids

Secretory diarrhea 

When the digestive systems fails to absorb the secreted water and fluid before it enters the small and large intestine then an abnormal loss of water is discharged through bowels. This is called Secretory diarrhea . The diarrhea is watery, excessive, painless and persistent. Common causes are drugs or toxins; both arsenic poisoning and chronic alcohol maybe the root cause.

Osmotic diarrhea 

Osmotic diarrhea commonly results when something ingested draws water into the intestines. Maldigestion of nutrients, sugar malabsorption, osmotic laxatives or even side-effects of medicines can be the basis.

Fatty diarrhea

The malabsorption of fats is termed as Fatty Diarrhea, affiliated with weight loss. This diarrhea can be a direct result of alcohol consumption.   

Mortality related diarrhea 

Our consumed food needs time for the nutrients and water to be absorbed and in mortitly related diarrhea sufficient time is not given as the food moves too fast. 
  • A rare cause is the indication of more serious diseases (such as cystic fibrosis or immune disorders such as HIV infection).
  • Idiopathic diarrhea is a when the cause is unknown. 
As you see there are many possible causes of chronic diarrhea. Remember that any diarrhea lasting for more than four weeks is a matter of concern.

piątek, 17 maja 2013

Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption has a wide range of adverse effects, with exception to a few health benefits, both in the short and long run.The high permeability of the cell membrane to alcohol allows it to quickly diffuse into every tissue of the body. The following explains the effects of alcohol on our organs :

  • Central Nervous System

As a depressant alcohol slows down the activity of the brain and reduces anxiety, tension, and inhibitions. The system also reacts by releasing pleasure–giving hormones that causes agitation, slurred speech, memory loss and in-coordination of movements.

  • Heart and blood vessels

Although alcohol may offer to reduce the risk of heart disease but excessive consumption causes the heart to expand and restricts its ability to contract. It may also disrupt the normal rhythm of heart beat and raise the blood pressure which can cause chest pain, heart attack and stroke. 

  • Risk of Cancer

Types of cancers known to be linked to alcohol are cancers of the mouth and pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and female breast.

  • Liver 

As the liver tries to breakdown the consumed alcohol a chemical reaction takes place and toxins from the gut bladder are allowed into the liver. Both the chemicals and toxins can lead to inflammation, scarring and ultimately to cirrhosis. In the long run, the esophagus that circulates the blood which is diverged away from the liver may also burst after continued dilation. 

  • Pancreas

A severe case of deficiency of nutrients is resulted when the chronic dosages of alcohol destructs those cells that produce digestive enzymes and insulin hormones.

  • Anemia

Anemia results when alcohol blocks the generation of new red and white blood cells. A high blood traffic diverged through the spleen may also destruct the cells by breaking it down or by bursting.

Despite being the most popular recreational substance, one must fully understand the myriad damages alcohol can make and restrict himself to the exact quantity if prescribed by any doctor.  

środa, 15 maja 2013

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