A retroverted uterus, also termed as tipped uterus, is the backward tilted position of the uterus in line with the vagina itself. Idealistically a uterus tends to lie forward above the bladder. This unusual positioning occurs in 15-20 % of the women and is unlikey to cause health complications with exceptions to occasional painful symptoms or signaling of an underlying health disorder. The severity of this condition depends upon the following types:
- mobile retroverted uterus: A safe condition which normalizes as pregnancy advances
- fixed retroverted position: An extremely uncomfortable condition caused by the formation of adhesion, not corrected on its own.
Effect of retroverted uterus on pregnancy
- Infertility and Abortion
This rare position of the uterus can cause vaginal bleeding and abortion within 10-14 weeks of pregnancy. Clinical research proves that a strong correlation exist between an extroverted uterus and abortion.
- Retention of urine
The growth of the uterus becomes a problem for the passing of the urine as it completely blocks the pelvis during 10-12 weeks of gestation.
- Sacculation of uterus
As pregnancy matures the uterus inflates like a large sac due to the strectching of the walls. This ballooned sac fears a rupture or burst which can probably cause the fetal/maternal death.
The initial 14 weeks of pregnancy are of paramount importance for the diagnosis and correction of the retroverted uterus.Follow the following simple tips :
- Sleep in prone position
- Urinate frequently
- Avoid an intercourse
As casual as it sounds there is no reason to be careless during pregnancy and huge fatal consequences can be avoided by careful checkup and following simple tips, specially during the first trimester. Wishing you a safe pregnancy!!